TD Ameritrade National Linc Conference 2020
Tommy, Debbie and Nicole just got back from attending the annual TD Ameritrade National Linc Conference in Orlando, Florida. We heard from great speakers, took part in several workshops, networked with peers and vendors, and even stuffed teddy bears!
Keynote speakers included President and Founder of Eurasia Group, Ian Bremmer; President of TD Ameritrade Institutional, Tom Nally; TV Personality and Businessman, Kevin O’Leary from Shark Tank (Mr. Wonderful); Director of Google’s BrandUnit, Abigail Posner; and Strategic Technology Director of Microsoft US Capital Markets, Matt Sekol.
We learned about a new feature TD Ameritrade implemented on the advisorclient.com website. We now have the ability to screen share with our clients while logged into your TD account(s). Look out for an email coming soon with more information.
An exciting part of the conference this year was having Operation Gratitude attend. We helped stuffed teddy bears to send to the children of the US Military, First Responders, Veterans and Wounded Warriors.
As always, we look forward to sharing and implementing what we learned, while continuing to provide our clients with impeccable service.